15 May 2007

Family and relatives

Let’s start with the words mother and father.
Both of them together are our parents.
If we call them, we often say mum/ mummy or dad/ daddy.
In North America, people say mom.
We are their children.
A girl is their daugther, a boy is their son.

Our parents’ parents are our grandparents.
Grandmother is also called gran, grandma or granny.
is also called granddad, granddaddy or grandpa.
We are their grandchildren.
A girl is their granddaughter, a boy is their grandson.

A sister of our father’s or our mother’s is our aunt.
A brother of our father’s or our mother’s is our uncle.
Their children are our cousins.
When it is a boy it is our parents’ nephew, when it is a girl it is our parents

Well - Here is part 2:

The man is the woman’s husband.
The woman is the man’s wife.
For the man, his wife’s parents are his parents-in-law: his mother-in-law and his father-in-law.
His wife’s sister is his sister-in-law and his wife’s brother is his brother-in-law.
The same is with the woman and her husband’s relatives.

Still confused?
I don’t think so, it is as clear as mud

clear as mud = confusing and unclear


aunt - Tante
baby brother - kleiner Bruder
boyfriend - Freund (für Mädchen)
bride - Braut
brother - Bruder
cousin - Cousin, Cousine
dad - Vati

daughter - Tochter
father - Vater
father-in-law - Schwiegervater
friend - Freundin (für Mädchen);Freund (für Junge)
grandfather, granddad, grandpa Großvater, Opa
girlfriend - Freundin (für Junge)

godchild - Patenkind
godfather - Patenonkel
godmother - Patentante
grandchild - grandchildren (Plural) Enkel
granddaughter - Enkelin
grandmother, grandma - Großmutter,
grandson - Enkel (Junge)

great-grandparents - Urgroßeltern
groom - Bräutigam
half-brother - Halbbruder
husband - Ehemann
mother - Mutter
mother-in-law - Schwiegermutter
mum, mummy, mom (AE) - Mutti

nephew - Neffe
niece - Nichte
parent - Elternteil
parents - Eltern
sister - Schwester
son - Sohn
stepbrother - Stiefbruder

twin - Zwilling
twin-brother - Zwillingsbruder
uncle - Onkel
wife - Ehefrau

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