12 May 2007

Mother's Day

must not - need not (Exercises: 3rd Test)

1 must not
2 must not
3 need not
4 need not
5 must not
6 must not
7 must not
8 need not
9 need not
10 must not
11 need not
12 must not
13 must not
14 must not
15 need not

A yummy and easy recipe for Mother's Day:
Strawberry Smoothie

1 1/2 cups frozen strawberries
1 sliced frozen ripe banana
1 cup apple juice
Put strawberries, banana and apple juice into a blender.

Add 1 teaspoon vanilla ice cream.
Blend and pour into a glass.

frozen - gefroren
sliced - in Scheiben geschnitten
blender - Mixer
to serve - servieren
optional - wahlweise, auf Wunsch
to blend - mixen
to pour - schütten, leeren
to serve - servieren


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello folks!

Wow! Your blog is fantastic. I really like it.
The article about May 1st is absolutely interesting and I also like the exercises.
The pictures of your play look fun too. I can see that you are enjoying your English lessons.
I will peek onto your blog from time to time, so keep on going. I will also tell others about your project if I may. You rock!

Yours sincerely Mr. B. (another English teacher)