15 October 2007

Song: When two vowels go walking

When two vowels go walking (Vokal/spazieren)
The first one does the talking (redet)
In "boat" you hear the "o" and not the "a" (Boot)
In "meat" you hear the "e" (Fleisch)
The "a" sits quietly (ruhig, still)
The second vowel you see but you don't say
Just the two of us together
In "train" and "pail" and "rain" (Zug/Eimer)
The "a" speaks up; the "i" does not
Let me explain (erklären)
When two vowels go walking
The first one does the talking
In "brain" you hear the "a" but not the "i" (Gehirn)
In "soap" the "o" is clear (Seife/klar)
The "a" you never hear
In "say" you say the "a" and not the "y"
Isn't it neat? (hübsch)
It can't be beat! (kurz für beaten - geschlagen)
It's such a dream!
Don't mean to boast (angeben)
But here's a toast (Trinkspruch).
We're quite a team! (ziemlich)
When two vowels go walking
The first one does the talking
I'm sorry, number two, it's such a shame (welche Schande)
Although it gives you pain
The rule is very plain (einfach)
When two vowels walk
The first one says its name!
Yes, when two vowels walk
The first one says its name!


Anonymous said...

Ich find´s super, dass diese vowels auch wieder drinnen sind.

Englishmiss said...

The old link was dead - so I had to find a new one.
Regards :-)