23 January 2008

Song: Upside down/Shawn the sheep

The hitch-hiker -Key

It WAS a dark and rainy evening.
Mr Soames WAS on his way home.
Suddenly he SAW a girl.
He STOPPED his car.
He TOOK the girl home.
He DROVE to the house.
A woman SAID,
“My daughter DIED five years ago.”
Mr Soames WAS confused.
He WENT to his car.
The car WAS empty and the girl WAS gone.

Who's to say
What's impossible
Well, they forgot
This world keeps spinning
And with each new day
I can feel a change in everything
And as the surface breaks reflections fade
But in some ways they remain the same
And as my mind begins to spread its wings
There's no stopping curiosity

I want to turn the whole thing upside down
I'll find the things they say just can't be found
I'll share this love I find with everyone
We'll sing and dance to Mother Nature's songs
I don't want this feeling to go away

Who's to say
I can't do everything
Well I can try
And as I roll along I begin to find
Things aren't always just what they seem

I want to turn the whole thing upside down
I'll find the things they say just can't be found
I'll share this love I find with everyone
We'll sing and dance to Mother Nature's songs
This world keeps spinning and there's no time to waste
Well it all keeps spinning spinning round and round and

Upside down
Who's to say what's impossible and can't be found
I don't want this feeling to go away

Please don't go away
Please don't go away
Please don't go away
Is this how it's supposed to be
Is this how it's supposed to be


curious - neugierig
Who's to say? - Wer sagt (denn)?
impossible - unmöglich
to spin - (sich) drehen
surface - Oberfläche
fade - verschwinden, vergehen
to remain - bleiben
mind - Geist
to spread the wings - die Flügel ausbreiten
curiosity - Neugier
upside down - auf dem Kopf (stehend)
to share - teilen
Mother Nature - Mutter Natur
to waste - vergeuden, verschwenden
It's supposed to be - Es sollte sein

You’ve gotta meet this fellow (Bursche)
living down on the farm
because he’s pretty cool and mellow (freundlich)
he’s the king of the barn (Scheune)

When there’s mayhem (Chaos) in the meadow (Wiese)
he keeps his crew (Mannschaft) on track (am richtigen Weg)
for all his legendary adventures (Abenteuer)
they should put up a plaque! (Gedenktafel)

For Shaun the sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep
He even mucks (herumblödeln) about with those who cannot bleat (blöken)
Keep it in mind
He’s one of a kind
Oh, life’s a treat with Shaun the Sheep

He’s Shaun the sheep .. He’s Shaun the sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep .. He’s Shaun the sheep
He doesn’t miss a trick or ever lose a beat

Perhaps one day
You’ll find a way
To come and meet with Shaun the sheep

He's a brave courageous (mutig) leader
and he’s not to get recruit (Erholung)
he’s a friendly kinda geezer (eine Art Kauz)
who’s remarkably astute (bemerkenswert listig)
he’s a father of invention (Erfindung)
with a charismatic knack (Kniff)
for causing havoc in the pasture (Chaos verursachen)
Behind the farmers back

He’s Shaun the sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep
he’s not afraid to make the intellectual leap (Sprung, Satz)
for brains and gile (Verstand)
with a wink (Zwinkern) and a smile
You can’t compete (mithalten)with Shaun the sheep

La la la la...

He’s always ready with a trick
to save the day
a good solution’s (Lösung)not a million miles away
within his flock (Herde)
he’s pure gold
and if his mates (Freunde) get into trouble
he’ll return them to the ….

He’s Shaun the sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep
He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat
Keep it in mind
He’s one of a kind
Oh life’s a treat with Shaun the Sheep

He’s Shaun the sheep .. He’s Shaun the sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep .. He’s Shaun the sheep
He doesn’t miss a trick or ever lose a beat
Perhaps one day
You’ll find a way
To come and meet with Shaun the sheep
Oh, come and bleat with shaun the sheep


Anonymous said...

The song is really great!
I love it!


Anonymous said...

Ist "shaun" ein name???

Anonymous said...

the song is nice

Anonymous said...

YOU HAVE GOT SHAUN THE SHEEP!!! I love shaun the sheep. That's a great song!!!