25 May 2008

Exercises for the 4th Test


What was the name of the King's magician?
What sort of work did he do for the King?
Who did he also help?
Why was Melric in a hurry one morning?
What happened when he said his magic words?
Why was the King angry with Melric?
What happened when people tried to do their work without Melric's help?
Who did Melric want to see and ask for advice?
How did he travel?
Where did Old Kra live?
How did Melric feel when he arrived?
Why did Melric lose his magic?
Did Kra give Melric his magic back? If so, what did he tell him?
Who did Melric see when he got home?
What did he change himself into?
Who did he cange into cats?
What happened when the people in the castle opened the doors?
What did Melric say when people asked him for help?
What did Melric have to learn?

For the answers click here


Present Tense Simple/Progressive, Past Tense Simple, Will-Future, Near Future, Present Perfect Simple

1 Mr Brown ………………. (break) his leg last October. He ………………. (not be able) to work since then.
2 My daughter ……………. (read) three books every month.
3 How often …………….. (you, go) swimming when you were at the seaside last summer?
4 I ………….. (help) you if I have time tomorrow.
5 What …………. (you do) tomorrow?
6 ……………….. (you, ever, be) to Paris? Yes, I …………… (be) there last year.
7 I am so sorry, but I ……………. (not, can) come to your party next week.
8 Last week Johnny ……………………. (buy) a model plane.
9 Mr Brown …………………. (be) a teacher for ten years.
10 …………………….(you, have) breakfast yet? – Yes, I ……………. (have) breakfast half an hour ago.
11 The wind ………………… (blow) since last night.
12 America ………………. (be) discovered by Christopher Columbus.
13 Where …………………(you, be) all morning? It’s nearly three o’clock now.
14 I think, they …………………. (soon, arrive).
15 ………………… (you, see) Mr Pay today?
16 I …………….. (be) seventeen next month.
17 How long ………………… (you, be) here? For two years.
18 Linda …………………. (not, finish) her homework yet.
19 Our neighbour always ………….. (play) the pinao when we want to go to bed.
20 At present he is ……………….. (play) again.
……………………… (Susan, attend) music classes regularly? – Yes, she …………….. (go) there every Wednesday.
21 We ………………… (not, sleep) another night in this hotel.
22 In two years’ time I ……………… (be) a doctor.
23 I am sure he ……………….. (help) you if you ask him nicely.
24 Last night we …………….. (hear) angry voices and ………………. (call) the police.
25 Sue ……………….. (never, have) a car accident although she ………… (be) a lousy driver.
26 Jack, …………………. (you, do) your homework yet? – No, mum. I …………… (watch) TV at the moment. I ……………….. (do) it later.
I think they ……………….. (soon, arrive).
27 When …………………. (you, be) at the university? – I …………. (be) there from 1995 to 2001.
28 Look at the dark clouds. It …………………… (rain).
29 My dad ………………. (not, meet) his brother for five years.
30 …………………… (she, ever, work) as a typist before?

For the answers click here

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