11 June 2008

Film: Bedknobs and broomsticks

Hi Superstars,
Here is a summary of the Walt-Disney-film we are presently watching.

In the autumn of 1940, an eccentric, ladylike spinster, Eglantine Price, becomes an apprentice witch in hopes of finding a rare magic formula that will help England win the war against Nazi Germany.
With the help of three London children, whom she takes in to save them from the blitz, she first seeks out her amusing but bogus professor of witchcraft, Emelius Brown, then travels into Portobello Road.
Miss Price finally discovers that the words of the magic spell can be found on the legendary "Lost Isle of Naboombu," so she, Brown, and the children travel there with the aid of a magical bedknob, having adventures beneath the sea along the way. They discover that the lion king of Naboombu wears around his neck a medallion with the words of the spell. Returning home, Miss Price uses the formula to raise a ghostly army of armor from the local museum that routs a band of invading German commandos.

eccentric - sonderlich, verschroben
spinster - Jungfer
apprentice witch - Hexe in der Ausbildung
a rare magic formula - eine seltene Zauberformel
the blitz - der Blitzkrieg
to seek out - ausfindig machen
amusing - unterhaltsam
bogus - betrĂ¼gerisch
to discover - entdecken
magic spell - Zauberspruch
raise - hier: aufstellen, bereitstellen
army of armour - bewaffnetes Heer
witchcraft - Hexerei, Zauberei
to rout- vertreiben, in die Flucht schlagen

Now watch again the famous and funny part of the film, Animal Football.

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