19 June 2008

Past Tense Progressive/Continuous

(Verlaufsform der Mitvergangenheit)

Auch in der Mitvergangenheit gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten, eine Handlung auszudrücken.

He was playing the violin.
Er spielte Geige.
He played the violin.

In beiden Fällen hat die Handlung keinen Bezug zur Gegenwart. Die Verlaufsform zeigt an, dass die Handlung zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit noch nicht abgeschlossen war.

was/were + -ing-Form des Verbs


1) Für länger andauernde Handlungen, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vght. statt fanden.
John was listening to music.
Yesterday it was raining all day long.

2) Wenn zwei Handlungen zur gleichen Zeit statt fanden - while = während
While mother was ironing, father was mowing the lawn.

3) Für eine längere Handlung, die von einer kurzen unterbrochen wird. - when (als)
We were going home, when we saw the accident.

Jack was learning.
Was Jack learning?
Jack was not learning.

They were swimming.
Were they swimming?
They were not swimming.

11 June 2008

Film: Bedknobs and broomsticks - Memorable Quotes

1 was crossing 2 Did you play? 3 broke, was eating 4 was reading, dad was mowing 5 What were you doing? 6 was studying 7 Were you working? 8 discovered 9 left, was shining 10 Who were you talking to, came in 11 visited, needed, 12 was having, rang 13 was cooking, was writing, 14 played, 15 was wearing 16 did you go 17 were you doing 18 was cleaning 19 arrived, were sitting, 20 was driving, happened

Mr Browne: Women always lose things.

Eglentine Price: I don't believe in giving animals ridiculous names. I call him Cosmic Creepers, because that's the name he came with.

Miss Price: That's my nightgown.
Mr. Browne: [dancing with it] Is it really, my dear?
Miss Price: Yes, and I'm not responsible for its behaviour.
Mr. Browne: Obviously not, my dear.

Charlie Rawlins: Foul! Foul!
Carrie Rawlins: They're only animals.
Charlie Rawlins: That's no excuse for dirty football.

Charlie Rawlins: Ref, are you blind?
Miss Price: Be quiet, Charles. Don't forget who the referee is.

Lion: Friendly lot. Don't mind them visiting. Wouldn't want them living here.

Charlie Rawlins: No fried foods?
Eglentine Price: No.
Charlie Rawlins: How d'you keep your health?

Charlie Rawlins: Poisoned Dragon's Liver?
Eglentine Price: Poisoned Dragon Liver.
Paul Rawlins: You mean you poison the dragon, or just the liver?

Eglentine Price: Treguna, Makoidees, Trecorum, Sadis Dee!

Mr. Browne: Portobello Road, Portobello Road, street where the riches of ages are stowed! Anything and everything a chap can unload, is sold off the barrow in Portobello Road. You'll find what you want in the Portobello Road!

Charlie Rawlins: Hurt your foot, Miss Price?
Miss Price: Oh, just twisted my ankle.
Charlie Rawlins: Sorry to hear that.
Miss Price: Thank you. It's nothing serious.
Charlie Rawlins: Lovely weather for flying last night.
[heavy pause]
Miss Price: Why did you say that, Charles?
Charlie Rawlins: [bringing out her broken broomstick] Game's up, Miss Price. We know what you are.
Miss Price: I see.
[she looks worriedly at Charles]
Charlie Rawlins: Don't worry, Miss Price. No one's gonna peach on you.

Eglentine Price: I don't want locomotiary substitution or remote intransitory convolution; only one precise solution is the key: substitutiary locomotion it must be!

Eglentine Price: Filigree, apogee, pedigree, perigee!

Film: Bedknobs and broomsticks

Hi Superstars,
Here is a summary of the Walt-Disney-film we are presently watching.

In the autumn of 1940, an eccentric, ladylike spinster, Eglantine Price, becomes an apprentice witch in hopes of finding a rare magic formula that will help England win the war against Nazi Germany.
With the help of three London children, whom she takes in to save them from the blitz, she first seeks out her amusing but bogus professor of witchcraft, Emelius Brown, then travels into Portobello Road.
Miss Price finally discovers that the words of the magic spell can be found on the legendary "Lost Isle of Naboombu," so she, Brown, and the children travel there with the aid of a magical bedknob, having adventures beneath the sea along the way. They discover that the lion king of Naboombu wears around his neck a medallion with the words of the spell. Returning home, Miss Price uses the formula to raise a ghostly army of armor from the local museum that routs a band of invading German commandos.

eccentric - sonderlich, verschroben
spinster - Jungfer
apprentice witch - Hexe in der Ausbildung
a rare magic formula - eine seltene Zauberformel
the blitz - der Blitzkrieg
to seek out - ausfindig machen
amusing - unterhaltsam
bogus - betrügerisch
to discover - entdecken
magic spell - Zauberspruch
raise - hier: aufstellen, bereitstellen
army of armour - bewaffnetes Heer
witchcraft - Hexerei, Zauberei
to rout- vertreiben, in die Flucht schlagen

Now watch again the famous and funny part of the film, Animal Football.