16 March 2020

Homeoffice March 17th and March 18th, 2010

Hello my dear students,  😎💓

We are in an unusual situation, and you are going to learn and practise on your own. 
But hey, you will need it in a few years. You will be true experts in working from your homeoffices.👍
As told you at school, this is the first exercise you have to do on your own.
Stay disciplined and try to do your best.
And please, don't forget to take notes in your "diary". You can also write emails from your email address - with your usual password - you use in school. 

You can find my email address on the SMS homepage. You can also use the email I gave you.
When you are totally lost, your parents could also find out my telephone number and you can write me a short message.

Now let's start:

1) Students' Book. p. 79 /3 - Read the text out loud twice (2x) do the True-and-False-exercise on Stb. p. 79 / 4

2) Create a Mindmap "LIFE IN ANCIENT EGYPT" --> Words-Book

3) With the help of the mindmap talk (laut sprechen, vielleicht auch mit dem Handy als Audiodatei) aufnehmen about Life in ancient Egypt

4) Students' Book. p. 79/5: Write the words (singular and plural form) in your exercise book:
Example: man - men, child - children (you find the forms in your Grammar book)

5) Workbook p. 76 and 77

6) Workbook p. 78 / 6 Matching exercise (Sätze zuordnen) und ins Texteheft einschreiben (Title: Life in Ancient Egypt) 

7) Worksheet p. 12 (die habt ihr ausgeteilt bekommen) Irregular Plurals (Ausfüllen)

 Have fun!

Die Übungen umfassen die E-Stunden am Dienstag und Mittwoch, sowie die Hausübung.

Die nächste Aufgabenstellung bekommt ihr für den Donnerstag.

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