Key :
Comparison with exceptional forms
1 worse
2 last
3 nearest
4 next
5 nearest/next
6 further
7 elder
8 next
9 less
10 best/worst
11 later
12 latest
13 worse
14 latest/last
15 fewest
16 farther
17 last
18 nearest
19 further
20 latest
1 in a friendly way
2 really bad
3 useful/easy/easily/correcz
4 extremely small
5 pretty/prettily
6 angry/loudly
7 terribly cold
8 fresh
9 good/nice
10 really good/ extremely hard
11 happy
12 strange/true
13 quickly/angrily
14 extremely fast
15 badly hurt
must- have to/ need not - don't have to
1 He did not have to learn.
2 Do you have to learn?
3 Did you have to learn?
4 I did not have to learn.
5 I will not/won't have to learn.
6 He had to learn.
7 Will we have to learn?
8 Does he have to learn?
9 We need not learn/ We don't have to learn.
10 We have to learn.
11 Will she have to learn?
12 Will I have to learn?
13 You didn't have to learn.
14 You don't have to learn.
15 You will not/ won't have to learn.
16 We will have to learn.
17 Do they have to learn?
18 You didn't have to learn.
19 You have to learn.
20 I had to learn.